Loyal Dog Sends Symbols From The Rainbow Bridge to Her Grieving Mother
|Joeann Knights, a dog mom, is used to being around people. For more than 13 years, her cherished pit bull mix, Poppy, was by her side; they shared a bond that was unmatched.
Knights and Poppy enjoyed life together, from raising two of Poppy’s babies to exploring their hometown of Lowestoft, United Kingdom. The two gave each joyful occasion a wag of the tail and a cuddle. And when Knights was having a rough day, she would find solace in looking down at Poppy’s freckled face and one mostly black ear.
“I never ever left her in her 13 and a half years of life,” Knights told The Dodo. “She was amazing and clever.”

Throughout her life, Poppy had a reputation as a sharp mind, devoted friend, and unpredictable person. One day, Knights came home to discover Poppy gone. Knights followed Poppy’s sons to the backdoor, where she discovered their amusing mother waiting to be saved.
“She had opened the living room window and jumped out into the back garden, and she could not jump back in,” Knights said.
After opening the door for Poppy, Knights gave the witty, cheeky girl a hearty hug.

Regretfully, Poppy became seriously unwell shortly before turning fourteen. Following over 13 years of exciting escapades, Knights were forced to make the difficult choice to assist Poppy in crossing the rainbow bridge. As she gave her cherished dog one final hug, she vowed to always remember her.
Knights was devastated by Poppy’s untimely death. Nothing could ever replace the closeness she shared with the adorable girl, even though she could still cuddle with Poppy’s two sons.

Subsequently, she began to receive indications that Poppy was still alive. She started by seeing something strange in her pantry.
“I found a feather in my cupboard,” Knights said. “I was shocked. It was a weird color.”
Knights retained the dark-gray feather, but she wasn’t entirely certain of its origin. After some time, she saw something else odd outside her door.
“Six months later, I opened my front door, and there was a picture of my girl on my fence done by snails,” Knights said. “I cried … I thought I was going mad.”

There was a white residue behind Knights’ door that resembled Poppy’s face precisely. The picture, painted so kindly by a snail from the area, washed away by the rain after five days.
Poppy’s signs, however, didn’t end there. Later, her face showed up in Knights’ window; it was found in a picture Knights had taken of her residence.

Then, after six months, a strange surprise arrived at Knights’ door. The woman was holding a puppy whose fur just so happened to match the gray feather in Knights’ cabinet.
“I went and saw the puppy, [and] she was the same as the feather,” Knights said. “I took the puppy. I don’t care what anybody says or believes — my girl sent me the puppy.”

Knights gave the dog the name Amber, and the affectionate family adopted her right away. Knights now dedicates her days to showing devotion to Amber and Poppy’s lone surviving son.
Now that Poppy has been gone for three years, Knights is missing her more than before. She finds solace, nevertheless, in the knowledge that her goofy, kind kid is still with her in spirit and is always sending signals over the rainbow bridge.